This section is in the process
of being updated....Meanwhile enjoy the videos.
We featured this;
We all like chilling, dancing, nice stuff etc, but black people ARE still struggling, and we should play our part within community activities. When we become marginalised and isolated, it is very bad.
Black Art City. Migrant Media
Click below for link to some excellent videos.
In their own words; Migrant Media was established in 1989 and is a collective of radical film makers working in documentary production. We are media producers and activists embedded with communities of social and political interest. Our work has a focus on race and class with a central narrative of resistance. |
Occasionaly there may be technical hitches with the videos here. Just hover over the bottom right hand corner and go to Youtube directly.
Previous Events
THE KWAANZA EVENT IN TULSE HILL...ON THE 28TH DECEMBER....2012 Organised by Afruika Bantu Saturday School, Global Afrikan Congress, Pan-Afrikan Society Community Forum & Afrikan National Forum. was a great event...Well attended and very vibrant. Very well done to the organisers, above. More about them in the near future. That not withstanding it strengthened our resolve to make this site a big success...The theme was about Collective Work, and that also ties into what is about. It's not about weakness, in not being able to stand on 'one's own two feet''s about strength...Strength in numbers, and strength in 'Purpose', which is another Kwaanza principle 'Nia' |